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GDM offers Swedish cloud services via Storegate


GDM – delivers services to simplify their customers’ IT everyday life. Now they also offer Swedish cloud services via Storegate AB.
GDM simplifies management, improves efficiency and ensures the availability of its customers’ ICT infrastructure. With the signing of a partner agreement with Storegate, they open up the possibility for all their customers to call on more Swedish cloud services to complement GDM’s other service portfolio.

– “Storegate is a Swedish pioneer in cloud services for companies and the public sector that require data to be stored in Sweden, under Swedish legislation,” says Ingemar Norlén, Sales Manager at GDM Konsult AB. “By combining Storegate’s offerings for secure file sharing and backup with our other cloud services and expertise, we can offer comprehensive solutions that meet our customers’ requirements.

When the EU General Data Protection Regulation came into force in 2018 and the US CLOUD Act was introduced, many companies and organizations became aware of how their information is handled. This also increased the need for Swedish cloud services for storing data within Sweden’s borders.

GDM offers end-to-end solutions with Storegate’s Swedish cloud service

– “With Storegate, GDM’s customers get access to all-Swedish cloud services for storing, sharing, accessing and collaborating with files,” says Torbjörn Lindkvist, Marketing & Sales Manager at Storegate AB. “Since we also have our own platform, we can also offer customized cloud solutions to secure, store and share files.

For more information, contact:

Torbjörn Lindkvist, Business Area Manager, Storegate Services, +46 (0) 705 487 463, torbjorn.lindkvist[at]
Ingemar Norlén, Sales Manager at GDM Konsult AB,

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  • High resolution image Torbjörn Lindkvist for download

Storegate AB is a Swedish company that believes that the need for confidentiality and integrity will grow in the future. We are therefore driven by being able to meet and exceed future needs and security requirements in data storage in Sweden. The systems for storage are located in Sweden and thus regulated under Swedish law. This makes it significantly easier for Swedish companies when it comes to GDPR and the new US law CLOUD Act. Storegate was founded in 2003 and is owned, in addition to management, by the venture capital companies Industrifonden, Servisen, T-bolaget, Aggregate Media and Sparbanken i Karlshamns Näringslivsstiftelse. For more information, see more at