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Ålcom chooses a Swedish cloud for its customers


Ålcom, Åland’s leading internet and telecom provider, chooses Swedish Storegate as cloud storage service for its customers. The service is offered to both companies and private individuals and includes functions for backing up, synchronizing, accessing and sharing/collaborating with digital information.

As the date of the new EU General Data Protection Regulation approaches and services such as Facebook choose to move user data to avoid GDPR legislation , online awareness of privacy and protection has also increased. More and more people, both businesses and individuals, are thinking about their choice of provider for storing files, where they are stored, what laws apply and who might be able to access and use the information stored.

– “We know that our customers are interested in a secure cloud solution for saving, sharing and creating documents and files. With Storegate’s platform at the bottom and with their 15 years of experience, we can offer a comprehensive alternative to other cloud services, says Daniel Dahlén at Ålcom.

– “We are very happy and proud that we have achieved the collaboration with Ålcom,” says Torbjörn Lindkvist, Sales Manager at Storegate. As part of their wide range of services, we reach both companies and individuals and more than 90% of the market in Åland.

Storegate will be offered as a subscription service, with customers choosing packages according to their needs. The basic version includes the service free of charge. If you are also a customer of the “Ål inclusive” concept, you get an ongoing 10 percent discount on all upgrades.

For more information, please contact:
Torbjörn Lindkvist, Sales Manager, Storegate AB,

+46 (0) 705 487 463, torbjorn.lindkvist[at]

Daniel Dahlén, CEO, Ålcom AB,


Storegate offers a wide range of simple cloud services that enable businesses and individuals to secure, store, access, share and collaborate with digital information anywhere, anytime. Storegate has been offering cloud services since 2003 and is something of a pioneer in the field. More than 650,000 users use Storegate’s services every day to secure their files. For more information, see


Ålcom is an Ålandic company whose main purpose is to serve Ålanders and Ålandic companies with infrastructure and services in broadband, mobile telephony and digital TV. In addition to broadband connections and mobile telephony, Ålcom currently offers IPTV and various business services such as switchboard systems, web hosting and domain services. Ålcom has a shop and customer service at Storagatan 6 in Mariehamn.

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