Bengt, who runs Jonasson’s accounting firm, experienced every small business owner’s nightmare 10 years ago: a month’s work was gone. The computer crashed and Bengt had no backup.
– 10 years ago, I didn’t know what backup was. That was until the day my entire computer suddenly crashed. A whole month’s work was gone and I realized it was time to start backing up, for real,” says Bengt Jonasson.
Bengt Jonasson has been running his accounting and auditing firm Jonasson since 1997.
– Before I had experienced that computer crash, I saved all my files in several different places, floppy disks, CDs, or on a portable hard drive. I didn’t have a system for saving my files,” says Bengt.
You don’t need to be an IT expert to make sure you have a backup you can rely on.
– I heard about Storegate, which at the time was the first in Sweden to offer backup solutions directly in the cloud. After my computer crash, it was just what I needed,” says Bengt.
Save accounts securely
With Storegate’s backup service, customers can stop worrying about losing important files. After installing the software, it takes care of itself and backs up all important information as long as you have an internet connection. The accounts are stored safely in our Swedish cloud.
– The reason I have remained a customer is that the backup has really worked; if I have lost any information, I have easily been able to log in via the web and retrieve the files I have lost,” says Bengt.
Torbjörn Lindkvist, Marketing Manager at Storegate, believes that one of Storegate’s strengths is that they can offer the corporate market solutions that are simple, user-friendly and can be adapted to the size and needs of companies.
– It’s great when our existing customers are involved in driving our development forward. It is equally fun when we get new customers who require new types of solutions. At Storegate, we are driven by the desire to make everyday life easier for our customers,” says Torbjörn.