The cinnamon bun, the contradiction, the tortilla chips, the clean water, the toilet, the missed opportunities, the meteors-that-almost-hit-the-earth, and a host of diseases and problems we should be helping each other with – everything now has a day. So does World Backup Day. But is it really needed?
Need is of course relative, and compared to things like clean water, backup is not a necessity for survival and health (except possibly mental, given stress levels).
However, data loss was estimated a couple of years ago to cost 1.7 trillion annually and many companies do not recover from a big hit, but actually go under, causing people to lose their jobs. Incidentally, people often lose both memories, which are priceless, and important documents when computers are stolen or broken.
So, socio-economically, backup is a pretty big deal, but maybe not one we think about. And it’s actually good to have a day to do it. A World Backup Day, simply.
So, give backup a thought today. At least your own, and make sure it works. Because you have a backup, right?