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Law firm

Law firm CEO worried about employees storing company data in private cloud services

The CEO of a medium-sized law firm is ultimately responsible for ensuring that the company’s data is managed correctly and legally over time. The firm already uses Office 365 for email and word processing but is not allowed to use Onedrive/Sharepoint (or other foreign cloud services) for legal reasons. Employees lack a service as simple as the one they use at home to save and access their work files via mobile and tablet, they take matters into their own hands and use services available on the Internet. This is known as ‘shadow IT’ and what the employee or company is not thinking about now is that data is suddenly exposed to other (foreign) legislation and is not subject to the conditions of a contracted service of a similar nature.

How can the law firm ensure that employees have a secure solution for their personal files?

Solution: Storegate – A personalized storage space to access and share files in a Swedish cloud, under Swedish law.

  • Does not place any responsibility on the individual with regard to the storage of sensitive information (requirement in future framework contracts).
  • Personal files (my files) can be stored locally and synchronized with the cloud or stored only in the cloud (H:). The user works as before in the explorer on the computer.
  • The company avoids investment and management of infrastructure.
  • Can replace the home directory.
  • Set limit for storage per user.