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Celebrating Data Protection Day – for the 5507th time

Today, the world celebrates Data Protection Day – a day that becomes more relevant every year, as our ever-increasing connectivity produces an ever-increasing amount of data.

Data Protection Day was introduced in 2006 by the Council of Europe to raise awareness of the growing need to protect data. Right now, the topic is highly topical, as new EU statutes come into force this year, 2018. The new rules, the GDPR, are the biggest change in regulations in 20 years.

For us, every day is Data Protection Day

Right from the start, we put security and privacy first, and we still do. Our data centers, located in Sweden and governed by Swedish law, are of the highest standard and the infrastructure for traffic is managed by Telia Carrier.
We do everything we can to keep your data safe, every day, so today is our 5507th Data Protection Day. It’s not even, but we say a little congratulations to ourselves anyway. And to you, because in our cloud, your data is safe.