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Store, share and collaborate securely

Swedish cloud service, privacy by design

We have been helping Swedish companies and authorities protect sensitive information since 2003. Welcome in, and welcome home.

For 20 years, we have secured information for Swedish authorities, companies and private individuals. Confidentiality and integrity are fundamental to us and we are driven by being able to meet and exceed future needs and security requirements in data storage in Sweden. Storegate is a Swedish cloud service, privacy by design

– Axel Hermansen, CEO Storegate AB

We never scan your data

We do not scan your information for business development or marketing purposes.

No data to third parties

We never sell your data to third parties.

You retain ownership

We never take ownership of your information.

Only the necessary

We protect your data, and we do not store more than necessary.


We handle customer data in accordance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679). Your information never leaves Sweden.


We do not train generative AI models (LLM) on your stored information.

Protected from foreign legislation

We are not subject to third country legislation such as FISA702, the CLOUD Act or other extraterritorial legislation.

Secret information stays secret

We protect your right to store confidential information in the cloud.

How can we help your business?

Contact us for more information
storegate web

Our solutions

  • Document management and collaboration: Work, store, share and collaborate on common files in groups and permission levels.
  • Secure file sharing with BankID verification: Protect public links with BankID. Recipients must verify themselves to access the content.
  • Business continuity planning as a service: Ensure critical data is available in real time if your business is hit by ransomware or a cyberattack using BCP.
  • Remote ID verification: Authenticate members, customers and partners with BankID.
  • Digital signing: Sign documents, contracts and other confidential information in a legal, compliant and secure way.

We knew we needed a change to meet our security requirements while improving our work process. Today, we have a secure cloud service where we can share sensitive information quickly and efficiently. Employees are happy with how smooth and secure it is to use the system, and we have a clear overview of the flow of information. This has not only increased our efficiency, but also strengthened our ability to protect sensitive information.

– IT manager

Sharing of sensitive information by public authorities

A government agency faced the challenge of streamlining and securing their handling of sensitive information. By implementing Storegate’s cloud service, they now have a smooth and secure process for sharing information.